Thursday, December 30, 2004
Luahan hati Fadhilah.. ^_~
Salam to all readers...
huhuhu.first time blogging. nothing to do today. so here i am blogging something. how are u guys? boring eh? kiter tak rase boring. boring sekejap aje. am i the only one? huhu. uummm..what else eh? holiday seems to end really soon for both Zuby and I. Let's see who will transform into who by the end of february. heh. everyone change. all of us. either good or vice versa. It's in our hands to decide which one to choose.

For the rest, enjoy lah holiday tu lagi. hoho. for those who already get jobs for this 3 months, congrats congrats. dapatlah $$. for those who plan to join any courses, dapatlah ilmu. for those who become youth activists, dapatlah pahala. InsyAllah. latest news. asia quake. tidal wave. subhanaAllah. it seems the world experienced what it had been through. again. for the second time. period of nabi Noh a.s. not exactly the same. aper lagi? cakap pasal gambar ustazah, gambar josh groban, gambar best friend, sesungguhnyer diyana, gambar bear dua org tu sangatlah kiut. sangatlah gempal plus dier duer-duer tengah senyum pulak tu. matahari, bintang , love...semuanyer tengah senyum. huhu. see u guys during the PSTE result. c u Zuby on mon. biizniHi. assalaamualaikum.

posted by Nurdiyana at 12:59 AM |